The “Bulk Close Plan” option is only available for plans that are identified as an “annual” plan but does not have an “Outcome” section in the plan. Then an administrator will have the option to Bulk Close Plan.
This feature is set to only be available after May 1 of each school year.
If a plan in Mileposts has an “Outcome” section of the plan then this feature is not available for that plan type as an outcome evaluation would be necessary for each plan.
1. Start by clicking on Reports from the Mileposts homepage. Once on the Reports page look to the far right under District & School Reports and click on the blue link Plans by School Summary.
2. Identify the group of plans you want to close and click on the blue link, Bulk Plan Close.
3. Then, you will be directed to the General tab & Details of closing the plans. When you click on the Details tab it will let you know if there are any interventions or progress monitors still open in those plans.
NOTE: All intervention, & progress monitor support should be closed prior to closing plans.
4. Once you confirm the details of the operation click SAVE.