Behavior Option Sets

Behavior Option Sets

Behavior Option Sets are the fields on the Incident Information Tab that users fill in on an Behavior Incident Report (ie. Incident Type, Location, Severity etc).

To manage the Behavior Option Sets

  1. Login to Mileposts

NOTE: This needs to be done as an administrator

  1. Click Admin

  1. Click Behavior Setup

The table that is opened shows all current Behavior Option Sets. The Behavior Option Sets can be edited deleted or new ones can be added.

Edit Behavior Option Sets

  1. Click the Pencil

  1. The following fields can be edited.

    1. Active

Activate by checking the box. Deactivate by unchecking the box

    1. Name

Name the Behavior Option Set

    1. Public Key

This will auto generate from the name field (no action is necessary)

    1. Description

Give a description of what the Behavior Option Set is. 

    1. Required

Choose if the field needs to be filled in or can it be left blank

  1. Field Type

Choose how to input the data (checkbox, combobox etc) 

    1. Click Save

Delete Behavior Option Set

  1. Click The Garbage Can

    1. Confirm the deletion

Add a Behavior Option Set

  1. Click Add New Option Set

  2. The following fields can be edited.

    1. Active

Activate by checking the box. Deactivate by unchecking the box

    1. Name

Name the Behavior Option Set

    1. Public Key

This will auto generate from the name field (no action is necessary)

    1. Description

Give a description of what the Behavior Option Set is. 

    1. Required

Choose if the field needs to be filled in or can it be left blank

    1. Field Type

Choose how to input the data (checkbox, combobox etc) 

    1. Click Save

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