An Administrator Guide to Using edifyAssess

An Administrator Guide to Using edifyAssess


On your homepage, you will see the list of assessments that are available for all tested grades in the district schools. Assessments can be created, imported and assigned by the Administrator to district schools. If you create your own assessments, they will be listed here with the label, Classroom Assessment. Likewise, you will see subject, level, assessment codes, due dates or if the assessment has been unassigned, and how many students have completed the assessment. 


The Accounts link allows you to view the account information for all users at your level and below in your organization. From your homepage, click on the Accounts link in the top blue navigation bar. You can click on the number corresponding to the user level you want to view. From the Accounts tab, there is a menu option for Manage Classes. It gives you access to search for the classes in your school and assigned assessments. Also as an administrator, you can create a class. You may want to create classes manually which support any tutoring groups, after school initiatives, or pull out programs that you implement at your school. From the administrator homepage, there will be a chart with a list of assessments. The homepage will display assessments after you or your teachers have created your own assessments through edifyAssess.

Quick Create

From the Assessments tab in the top blue navigation bar, you can access the Quick Create feature to make an assessment using the item banks within the program. You will follow the same procedures for creating Math, Science, and Reading/English assessments as in the teacher account.

Assigning Assessments

Likewise, assigning an assessment follows the same procedures in the teacher account, except for you have additional choices to assign the assessment as a suggestion to teachers and/or you can assign an assessment to all students that have a particular course (i.e. Math grade 6, Biology, etc.).


Similar to how students are provided results or feedback on performance of the assessment, and teachers on performance of the class, you will have access to the performance of all students within the school. Start by clicking on the Reports option in the top blue navigation bar to reach the Reports page. The reports will provide you with district, school, and classroom level data to support your teachers with instructional decisions. From the Reports page, there are multiple reports to view. Usage Report: Having an administrator account allows you to monitor the usage of the program at your school. The Usage Report displays how often teachers and students have logged into the program, if assessments have been assigned, or reports accessed, and how many items from the items banks were used on assessments. This report is great for supporting your implementation efforts of edifyAssess. 

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