Advanced Filtering and List Management

Advanced Filtering and List Management

Creating an Advanced Filtered Class List

Creating lists using the Advanced Filtering and/or List Manager feature can be done by those with permissions and scope beyond the classroom level.  This is primarily an administrative feature used to create building or district level lists from criteria embedded within EdHub.  These tools allow you to create and manage ad hoc student lists, which are similar to class lists in your student management system.  They have a name, a roster of students, and a roster of teachers/staff who have access to this list.  Almost all of our reports work off a student list which allows you to report on any list created through List Manager or the Advanced Filtering.

Advanced Filtering

The Tool is accessed from the Home Page (hover over the word 'Classes' in the gray bar).  Advanced Filter lists can be set up using a variety of criteria, which can include:

Information pulled in from the nightly synchronization, such as; students, schools, grade levels, ethnicity, race, gender, etc.  Other criteria can be determined by the district, such as; programs and plan types. 

Saving the Lists

These lists can be saved in several formats:   

Personal List

A Personal list implies sole ownership by the person who created the list.  Initially, all lists created using the Advanced Filtering tool will be Personal lists (only viewable by the person who created the list).  For others to have access to these lists, the owner of the list must use List Manager to 'Modify' the lists to allow access for other staff members. 

School Lists

For others to view a list, the owner/author of the list must use List Manager to change the list from a Personal List to a School List.  In the process of modifying this list, other staff can be given access to the lists. 

Temporary, Static, or Dynamic Lists

A Temporary list will have the name "Temporary", and will disappear the next time a temporary list is created.  A Static list remains intact, until the owner of the list manually makes changes via the List Manager.  A Permanent Dynamic list will change student names according to the criteria and nightly sync with the district SIS (Student Information System).


 Create Advanced Class List:

  •  Login to EdHub

  • From the homepage click on Classes in the gray toolbar

  • Then click on Create Advanced Class List

Define Filter:

Once you’ve selected Create Advanced Class List, it will open the Advanced Filter Class List Wizard. 

  1. Choose your filter(s): 

  • School:  Select your school you would like to generate the list from

  • Grade:  Select desired grade level(s)

  • Optional Filters:  If you want to define your list deeper you can select from the optional filter choices

  1. Once your filter(s) has been identified:

  • select Filter, which is located at the top and bottom of the Filter Wizard page


Filter Results:  

The second tab of the wizard shows you how many students matched your criteria and will be shown on your list.

  • Review the results and click on the Save List tab to identify how you want to save the list.

 There are three options to choose from when saving the list:

  1. Temporary list with name LAST_FILTER:  This list is overwritten each time you save a new list with this option.  This is recommended to only be used for quick searches, not a list you plan to use very often.

  2. Permanent Static List:  This will create a permanent student list that will not change unless you change it using List Manager. For example, you may want to create a snapshot of special ed students at the end of the year that will not change as students move in and out of special ed programs.

  3. Permanent Dynamic List:  This will create a list that is updated nightly based upon the query that was used to build the list. You can not use List Manager to add or remove students from this type of list since your changes are overwritten every evening with the query update. You may use List Manager to add or remove staff member’s access to this list.

 Save the List: 

  1. Select the radio button next to your list choice.

  2. Next type in a list name such as:  Seaside Elementary

  3. Then choose to save it as either a Personal List (only you will be able to see it) OR a School List. (Use drop down menu to choose staff who will have access)

  4. The final step is to click Save This List at the top of the page.

Note:  To share this list with other staff members use the List Manager tool.

 Next, choose an assessment report to view. When you select a report name you will automatically be directed to view the report from the list created.  

 NOTE:  To edit, delete or share an advanced created list, use the List Manager Tool.  

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