Admin Professional Development Overview

Admin Professional Development Overview

The Professional Development tool in Teacher Vitae is useful for both the teacher and the administration. It gives the teacher a place to track, store and organize their previous, current and past Professional Development. The administration can use the tool to assign, suggest and track their staff’s Professional Development. This solution focuses on the administrative overview.

Like all other features in Teacher Vitae The Professional Development tool is easy to navigate and is intuitive. It’s also customizable so that districts can use it in ways that best meets their needs. 

There is two main areas for the administrator’s use in Professional Development:

  • My Professional Development

  • Manage Professional Development/Manage PD+

Professional Development

Just like teachers, the administrator can track, store and organize their Professional Development and Certifications in My Professional Development.

My Professional Development

  • In My Professional Development, Teacher Vitae displays a table listing all Professional Development, the type, credits and dates. From here Professional Development can be added, viewed, edited and deleted. Professional Development can be added via Ad Hoc or from District Offerings.

My Certifications

  • In My Certifications displays in a table all Professional Development that has certifications and/or credit hours. The table displays the professional Development’s name, status and credit/hours. Past certifications can be tracked in year increments from 1 to 5 to assist with multi year certification courses.

District Offerings

  • District Offerings displays all the Professional Development offered or supported by the district. Users can scroll through the listings or can filter on any of the details listed at the top of the screen. The courses are laid out in tiles with a short summary for easy scrolling. Clicking More Info gives in depth detail and a link to any registrations.

Manage Professional Development

 In Manage Professional Development/Manage PD+ there are 4 sections that an administrator can access to customize a district's Professional Development section in Teacher Vitae.

  • Manage Course Catalog

  • Manage Audience Types

  • Manage Education Levels

  • Manage Subjects

Manage Course Catalog

Manage Course Catalog is where admins can add courses to the Courses Offered by District page in the Professional Development section. NOTE: After creating a course at least one session must be created for the course to be accessible. On the manage course page courses are displayed in a table indicating the courses Title, Organization, Number of and Active Sessions . Here you can Add Edit Create or Delete a course and Add,Edit or Delete a Session.

Manage Audience Types

The Manage Audience Types page is for Adding, Editing and Deleting the types of personnel  that the courses are designed for.

Manage Education Levels

In the same way Manage Audience Type pinpoints the audience type Manage Education Levels is a place to Add, Edit, and Delete Education Levels that the course addresses.

Manage Subjects

Again is used to Add, Edit and Delete school Subjects.

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