Adding an Employee Manually

Adding an Employee Manually

Adding an employee manually

A district should choose to add employees either manually or via an import process and not use both methods without understanding some of the complications of using both methods and how to avert issues.

Importing Gotchas and Words of Caution

The import process will use the column labelled SyncId to uniquely identity each employee. The importer will see if there is already an employee with the same SyncId in the database and if there is it will update that record and not insert a new record. The problems can arise if you manually enter a new employee and you do not specify a SyncId for that employee and then attempt to import that employee down the road with a new or different SyncId. The importer will not find that employee and will insert a new record and now you have two employee records for the same employee.

Lesson - If you manually enter a user please specify the SyncId that will be used during any imports down the road.

The other word of caution is that you must always provide a full import file. i.e. You import file must contain all employees currently active in your district. This is the only way that the importer can determine if an employee has left your district. If an active employee is no longer in the import file, the import process will assume that employee no longer works at your district and will mark them inactive.

If you have any further questions, please contact our support staff or submit a support ticket.

Please view the video or the step by step instructions below to see how to add an employee, ensure that they have a login id, and add a job history to attach them to an organizational unit.

  1. Login to Teacher Vitae

  2. Hover over “More”

  3. Click “Admin”

  1. Click “Manage Employees”

  1. Click “+Add Employee”

  1. Clicking “+Add Employee” will open the Create / Edit Employee Window

  2. There are five tabs across the top of the window:

    1. Person: Enter or Edit Employees First Name, Middle Name, Last Name and Email

Note: For Email use the District Email. You will need to enter this in the User tab as the New Employee’s Username.

    1. Employee Info: Enter or Edit Employee ID, State ID, Start Date, End Date, Active Check Box, Sync ID

Note: Make sure that the Active checkbox is checked. If not checked the Employee will lose access to Teacher Vitae and the Supervisor will not see the Employee in the list of employees. Only uncheck this if the Employee is no longer with the district.

    1. Tags: This is used to group teachers. This optional and only used if your district groups Employees somehow.

    1. Users: This is where you add the user

  1. Click “+ Add User”

  1. Enter the “Users Name”. 

Note: Use the District Email address that you entered under the Person tab. 

  1. Leave the the “Password” fields blank. Have the Employee create a New User Registration. Click “New User Registration” for info information on how a new user Registers.

  2. Check the Login is Enabled checkbox. This will give the user access to login to Teacher Vitae 

  3. Clicking the “Locked Out” checkbox Locks the Users account.

  4. The last two lines shows the users “Last Activity Date” and “Last Login Date”

  5. Click “Update”

    1. Audit: Created and Modified history

  1. Enter data on all five tabs before clicking “Save Changes”

  1. Go back to “Manage Employee” and find the Employee that you just added.

  2. Click on “Job History” in the Actions Pane.

  1. Click on “+Add Job History”

  1. Clicking “+Job History” Will open “Create Edit Job History Window”

  2. Under “General Info” 

    1. Enter Title (3rd Grade Teacher, Principal etc)

    2. Select Position (“Not Specified” Is fine)

    3. Org Unit (select School Name from dropdown)

    4. Start Date

    5. End Date

    6. Check the Active checkbox this is what associates that Employee with the correct school.

Note: If you do not check “Active” the Employee will not show up in the list for the specified school.

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