Adding a Note to Multiple Student e-files

Adding a Note to Multiple Student e-files

There are two different ways to add notes to multiple student files at the same time.  

Option 1:  Various notes to multiple student files in the same class list.

Option 2:  Same note in multiple student files in the same class list.


The steps below with guide you through the different scenarios:

Option 1:  Various notes to multiple student files in the same class list.


From the gray toolbar on the Mileposts homepage click on > Students> General Note Creator


Then select a class roster from the drop down arrow menu.  

You have the ability to select the “type” of note you want to add.

You can add various notes to some/all students in a class roster.  

Select Save when finished.


Note:  As you know, if you put notes in the section at the right of each student name on this screen it just goes to their generic notes & attachment list in their e-file.


The steps below with guide you through the alternate scenario:

Option 2:  Same note in multiple student files in the same class list.


From the gray toolbar on the Mileposts homepage click on > Students> Student Info


Select a class list from the drop down, select the students you want to add the same note to their e-file by clicking in the box to the left of their name, and then click on the Action tab and select Add Note to Students.

The note window will appear and you will type the content of the note in the narrative box.  This same content will then be documented as a general note in all of the student’s e-files which you selected on the previous page.

When you are finished select SAVE.


NOTE:  If you select Plan note and a student(s) that you have identified does not already have a plan of the selected type, one will be created.

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